Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Energetic day

The weather is great - sunny, warm but not hot and low humidity. I did an hour spraying gorse on the hillside, which I do at least twice a year. This year, having sheep here longer from my neighbour, I find they have eaten all the seedlings regenerating from the broom and gorse, which is a bonus. Then I had a swim, as I wanted to put the vacuum machine in to clean up the bottom. The water was down from 29 last week to 24, because of the cooler weather and cloud cover the last few days. Then I went to the gym (is there no end to the virtue??) for my yoga/pilates class.

Last night I had a short play with my embellisher for the Dale Rollerson class. I think I will have to try putting net over my surfaces, as the fabric and threads do get pushed out of position. I ordered a HUGE amount of silk etc. and felt from her, but it won't get here for a week, so I will hold off most of my practice till then. To be honest I was a little disappointed with the first lesson, as it was pretty basic, even for me who has hardly done much with it at all.

I have my cream fabric interfaced and stabilised and waiting for inspiration to hit. I need to draw out the poppy family portrait using a combination of the things I have already printed. I am just putting it off.

If I need any more physical work today I will start dividing up the larger clumps of irises. I have a semicircular drive with about 100 irises, and every year I have to divide about a third just to stop them from clambering over each other. This year it is the turn of the intermediate orange, and the deeper pink. I am going to turf out the very flowerful but sprawling white and purple that was here when I moved here. I still have it in other places, but it really goes mad. I bought a new magenta with a luminous spot, to put there instead. Also a dwarf white. It is good to have the dwarves and the intermediates as they extend the flowering period from 2 weeks to 3 or even 4.

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